Blogmas Day 20 : Lush Christmas Picks

Lush Cosmetics is one of the many companies which know how to do Christmas well. I have been obsessed with their products since forever and know that when November comes around and Christmas products are released I am at the front of the queue. 

I have probably tried and tested every single product from the Christmas range, give or take a few, so can certainly say I know my favourites! I thought it would be a good time for me to write this post, as in a couple of days all of these products will be in the boxing day sale! So have a look through and let me know what your favourites are! 

Butter Bear Bath Bomb
This cute little bear bath bomb is also one of my absolute favourites. It's more simple and has less of the 'gimmicks' that the other products have, but it smells amazing and leaves your skin feeling extremely soft and moisturised. I just love everything about this product, but mainly can't get over its Adorable little face!

Snow Angel Bath Melt
This little angel was one of the first bath melts that I had ever tried from lush. The idea is you cut a little bit off (or use the whole thing if your feeling brave!) and leave it to melt into a gorgeous warm bath. Oils are then released into the bath water which leave your skin feeling soft and moisturised. The glitter also leaves your skin looking shimmery too. This product smells as amazing as it looks as well!

Snow Fairy Magic Wand Bubble Bar
This Lush product is certainly for the inner child in you! I mean who doesn't want to create a bubble bath by simply swirling your magic wand around in the water. I know I do! One of the best things about this product is the scent. I have loved the original snow fairy shower gel for a couple of years now, so discovering this product last Christmas was a complete life changer. It also lasts forever and allows you to have months of baths! (A little goes a long way with this product!)

Lush Gift Sets
Lush also sell some amazing Christmas themed gift sets around this time of year. One of my new favourites being the Rudolph wrap set! This would make the perfect gift for everyone, young and old! It's certainly one that I loved (Thanks Katie!)

Hope you enjoyed this post! Have you tried any of the Christmas Lush products? What are your favourites! Happy Christmas! 

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