What's in my everyday handbag!

Surely I can't be alone in saying that my handbag holds about a million random objects! Most of which I probably will never need when I leave the house, but find essential to have in my possession every time I go out. The problem is I probably don't clear out my handbag enough after each trip so the objects kind of build up over a period of time. I thought this post would be a great opportunity to minimise what I have in my bag, as well as share the essential things I take with me on an everyday basis. 

This is currently my everyday handbag that I have been using for the past couple of months. It's a smaller handbag than what I had been using previously and is much easier to use on shopping trips as I can easily put it over my shoulder in a cross body style. This bag was from Kurt Geiger and was part of the Carvela range. Another reason why I love this bag is the amount of pockets it has. It has a large thin pocket on the outside and a smaller one on the inside. This outer pocket is perfect for holding an oyster card when travelling as its easy to get too. 

The main products I have in my bag which do not change depending on the occasion are these three. My oyster card in its super cute Cath Kidston London bus case. My iPhone 6s Plus, and my beautiful Michael Kors purse that was given to me as a gift.

Next is my 'beauty department' of the bag. I have my trusty Soap and Glory 'Hand Food' hand cream, which has been a lifesaver for me on many occasions. I don't know what it is about this cream, but it is literally amazing! I always like to keep a small bottle of travel perfume in my handbag as well. Currently I have been loving the 'Very Sexy' scent from Victoria Secret. This is nearly run out but is such an amazing size. I got it for christmas but will deffo be buying the set again for myself when all of the bottles are gone.  Next I like to keep some '4head' and 'Dextro energy' tablets in my bag. As you never know if your going to get a headache, or need that extra boost of energy when your out. I also always take my Bach 'Rescue Remedy' spray with me for times when I am feeling anxious. I also  have to bring a hand sanitiser wherever I go. This one with aloe vera is by far one of my favourites, although to be honest I am not that picky.

I was very shocked and surprised to see that the only 'beauty' products that I had in the bottom of my bag was this Kiko lipstick in 913 Rosewood, and this Matte Effect concealer by Revolution.

As a glasses wearer, I find you need to be ready for all outcomes that may occur when your out! These Lens Wipes, as silly as they may sound are seriously amazing. They are really cheap but work so well. I recently had to go through a dramatic trip to the eye hospital after having an opticians appointment and being told they were 'worried about the back of my eye'. This was all a whole load of rubbish though as it turned out my eyes were only dry. So I was recommend this product to try and make my eyes stay hydrated! The drops are also able to be used with contact lenses. Finally, I always keep a spare pair of contact lenses in my bag incase I may need them! It also means if I am wearing contacts that day I have a back up incase anything goes wrong. 

Finally, I have a bit of a random selection. Plasters, for the times I decided it would be a great idea to wear brand new shoes out of the house. A mirror to check that my pesky lipstick is in the right place! A selection of hairbands, as my hair is far too long so its guaranteed to annoy me at some point during the day. Then I have the classic iPhone headphones which are essential for my boring travels to and from London!

I hope you enjoyed this post! I find it quite therapeutic looking at blogposts of what people have in their bags, as it makes me feel more normal that i'm not the only one with a trillion random bits! Have a lovely week! 

Lots of love, 


  1. I love being nosey at posts like this! You're so prepared for headaches etc, I just panic last minute and complain haha! I do have plasters though! I'm feeling relieved I no longer have to lug around contact lenses etc, hated them! That Kiko shade is lush too xx

    Tamz | http://www.throughneweyesx.com

    1. Haha, I think I am prepared for any outcome that the day may throw at me! I get headaches quite a bit, especially if I am feeling stressed or anxious so like to combat it before it actually happens!

      I love the Kiko lipstick. It is my ultimate fav at the moment, so easy to just throw on as it goes on perfectly each time and looks lovely with any look!

      Thanks again for the comment!
      Francesca, xx

  2. Ooo that kiko lipstick looks gorg!

    Kookii || Beauty By Her♥


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