Lifestyle | Living in the new normal 2.0

I'll be honest with you, I had a completely different blogpost scheduled to go live today but it didn't feel right hitting publish on it. Since the news yesterday of England going back into a complete lockdown with non essential shops, pubs, restaurants and gyms closing, I've felt extremely anxious and worried about what's to come, especially when I lost my job through redundancy during the first lockdown. It's hard right now to look into the future and see a time where we will once again be able to spend moments with our family and friends in close proximity. I feel frustrated, nervous and sad that things seem to be heading in the wrong direction again and after a couple of tweets feel like perhaps I could have taken advantage of the looser restrictions throughout the summer and spent some of that time with those I wish to spend time with. But that's not who I am and I didn't feel comfortable doing so. I don't regret seeing friends at a distance and celebrating special occasions from a few metres away. I think we all know this could have been avoided, and I don't know about your social media, but I have certainly seen 'friends' hugging, drinking and holidaying together and felt annoyed over the last few weeks. I wish I could feel the same sense of freedom to be able to comfortably do the same but I don't and that's ok. How others interpret the rules is up to them, but I personally couldn't put my grandparents at risk. 
We now have four weeks to get it right, and I truly hope people do as they should and abide by the rules. If things are better by December I live in the hope we can once again spend time with family and that Christmas will feel 'normal', although what even is that anymore! 

So with that, what can I do differently this time that I didn't do back in March? 

Daily Exercise

I did exercise every other day during the first lockdown and even completed the Couch to 5K app! I noticed how positive I was during the days I would run and although I often felt knackered on the in-between days the adrenaline the day after worked wonders for my mental health. I'm going to try and do at least an hour a day of some form of exercise. Whether that's a Joe Wicks Youtube workout or a run in the garden I hope to get moving, If only to eat some sweet treats! 


I rediscovered my love for painting during the first lockdown and as things started to re open and my small business became my only job (curse you COVID for ruining my new 2020 job!) painting became less important. I have so many ideas how I can incorporate painting into my designs and I hope I can make some special pieces to potentially sell at Christmas! 


Speaking of Christmas, what better time than to work on my Blogmas posts! I literally have no excuse now of not having the time considering we have ALL the time! I always loved doing the monthly blogmas posts throughout December but the stress of writing and posting can be a little daunting. Hopefully I can write, publish and schedule with ease before the 1st of December allowing me to enjoy the season in all it's glee. 

Christmas Presents

Finally, November can be the month I get everything done and dusted for Christmas presents. I love buying people gifts and I'm hoping to actually make lots this year. Being given the gift of time can be so useful for crafting. Plus, with my small business now becoming a true passion project of mine, a lot of what I make can co-exist with that! 

I hope you're all feeling ok with the latest news, I did mention it on Twitter but if anybody ever needs a chat then please reach out to me or someone you love. There was a quote I read that said 'Not everyone is in the same boat, but we're all battling the same storm'. So please don't feel alone. Things will get better, we've just got to ride it out. 

Until next time, stay safe x

My gorgeous Alice <3 

1 comment

  1. I feel you! As someone who continues to stay at home even when government started relaxing lockdown rules in the country, I somewhat get annoyed when people post about going out to dine at a restaurant, travel on vacation, attending parties and not being socially distant. Anyway, I hope you stay safe and that the lockdown will soon be over with the virus spread under control. Goodluck on your small business. And cute cat!🙂


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