My baby!

For the longest time I have been on the hunt for a plain black handbag which will never go out of style for an affordable price. For ages I have loved the Selma Saffiano leather Satchel bag and have been saving up for it for the past year. The price of the bag was always a bit of an annoyance to me as being priced at £280-300 pounds it would be a HUGE spend for somebody like me who is a student.

A couple of weeks ago I was clearing out my bags and noticed there was a gap in the small bag section. I have a variety of larger bags and I was a little worried that if I bought the large bag I was looking at then it would persuade me to carry more rubbish around with me.  I was browsing through the Selfridges site and saw that they did mini versions of the design I loved and I fell in love. But priced at £240 it wasn't something that I could justify spending on a bag still.

Last thursday I took my mum to see Matilda in Covent garden. We got there quite early so browsed around for a little while before we went to the theatre which gave us some time to dream and look at the bag that had taken my fancy. I was showing my mum the bag and as if by a sign the assistant came over to me and whispered the magic words in my ear, 'That bag has just been put into the sale if you are interested'. Of course I was interested! She told me that the bag was £160. This was more of the price that I had intended to spend on a bag and after months of saving I decided to splurge and buy the bag. When I got to the till the lady put it into a special bag to keep it clean and packaged it all up in the gift bag and turned to me and said that the price was £120. I was of course over the moon and knew that it was meant to be!

Anyway.. Getting onto the bag. I bought the Selma Grommet Saffiano Small Leather Satchel in black. I really like the metal detailing on the sides as it makes the bag look a little different and interesting to just being plain black. The whole metal hardware is strong and durable and is really secure. The Michael Kors logo is on the front of the bag and the back is plain. The fabric of the bag is really durable as well and I feel like it is going to be a great use when the weather turns for the worse come october time (bit premature, but looking at the UK weather at the moment you never know when it is going to rain!). The bag has one strap that goes over the shoulder, this strap is adjustable so you can make it smaller/longer to whatever feels comfortable for you. I like this factor to the bag as sometimes its easier to have the bag go across your body than just over the shoulder.

The inside of the bag has a 'MK' logo all over and it looks really smart. There is one pocket on the inside of the bag which has a zip fastening that is handy to keep any important bits. It is also big enough to fit a phone in which is always a handy thing to have! There is also a clip attachment on the inside of the bag that you could attach your keys with so you don't lose them in the bag.

The size of the bag is really handy as it is a bag which I feel I can get so much use out of. I deliberately wanted to buy a black bag as I wanted to have something that would be a staple in my wardrobe and a bag that I could keep forever and for it never to go out of style. As someone who often wears jeans and a comfy shirt, this bag means that any outfit looks stylish and as if I have actually made an effort.

Overall I am glad that I waited to save up and actually find the bag I loved. Buying it in-store rather than online also makes things feel more exciting as I was able to try out the bag to double check that I love it as much as I thought I did. Also being able to have the whole experience of walking into a shop and purchasing a bag with your own earned money and then leaving with a lovely paper bag holding your 'baby' feels great!

Let me know if you have found your perfect bag! 


  1. Haha sometimes you just know that it's meant to be :) What a great deal! The bag is absolutely gorgeous!


    1. I knew it was meant to be thats for sure! I love it so much!

      Thank you for checking out my blog! xxxx

  2. Replies
    1. It sure is! Thanks for checking out this post!

  3. That bag is just beautiful!!!!! Need this in my life - gorgeous :-) xxx

    1. haha, I love it so much. It is going to be a keeper thats for sure!

  4. what a beautiful bag you've got yourself!!

  5. These bags are gorgeous, great review. Love the recommendation!


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