Bathroom organisation!

You know you have turned into a hoarder of products when you can't physically fit anymore bottles on your countertop side. This is what my bathroom sides have turned into over the past year. I like trying and testing out the different products and then placing them in a box never to be seen again. I saw a post the other day where they went through all of their lip products and did a HUGE summer clear out. This is what I have decided I needed to do for not only my sanity, but also my brother who shares the bathroom with me! 

I saw these cute boxes in Matalan and thought, 'If the products fit in the box then I can keep them', and I have for sure stuck to this ruling! They were £12 for 2 boxes and I love the vintage feel that these boxes have. 

(Ok so I had a lot of help through this clean out, and only managed to take a picture of the final box including lush products and moisturisers but still.)

These are the after pictures. I love the way that the boxes make it all look so much better. I loved clearing out all of my bits as I love getting rid of stuff that I no longer needed. Also I have found a lot of my Lush bath bombs and soaps that I thought I had already used! 

Let me know if you have had a huge summer clean up! Thanks for reading! 

Twitter- @bellamomentox

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